

Repairing Broken Heaters in Greater New Albany for Over 12 Years

即使人们认为俄亥俄州是一个温暖的地方, 它的冬天仍然很冷, 尤其是没有正常运转的加热器. Would you know what to do if 你的s failed in the middle of a February storm? 你知道该打给谁吗? 首先,深呼吸. 没有必要恐慌. 派拉蒙加热 & 空气只是一个电话.

我们的暖通十大网络彩票平台大全公司 has been helping people in New Albany fix their broken heaters since our business started in 2012. Tell us about 你的 加热的问题, and we’ll send a trained HVAC technician to tackle it. Known for providing prompt, reliable service, we’ve become the go-to source for locals with 供热系统问题.

呼叫 614.349.3332 安排在新奥尔巴尼或韦斯特维尔修理加热器.


Because extreme cold snaps are less common in New Albany, a lot of our clients aren’t familiar with 加热器操作的细节. 他们经常会忽略供暖问题的小迹象, 也就是说我们只有在有重大事件时才会接到电话, 昂贵的问题. 让你的供暖问题更容易解决, we advise residents of New Albany to stay on the lookout for:

  • 寒冷的地点: Is 你的恒温器 cranked up to 75 degrees, but 你的 home still feels like an icebox? Is 你的 heater continually turning on and off without maintaining the temperature? 这是加热器需要维修的常见迹象. Before calling us, however, double-check that the filter is clean and free of clogging dust.
  • 黄色指示灯: If 你的 heater has a pilot light, is it burning blue or yellow? If it’s the latter, you need to leave 你的 home immediately. This is an indicator that 你的 heater is producing excess carbon monoxide, 一种能致死的无味气体. Before calling us, reach out to 你的 gas company, so they can turn off the line and check for leaks. 之后,拨打 614.349.3332 to 安排您的新奥尔巴尼地区加热器维修.
  • 怪异的味道: Note that we’re not referring to the musty odor you get when you turn 你的 unit on for the first time in the season. This odor is normal and results from 你的 unit burning off all the dust that accumulated in the off season. If you notice an odor that refuses to go away, however, it’s time to 打电话给当地的暖通十大网络彩票平台大全专家. 要降低此粉尘水平,请考虑安排加热器或 新奥尔巴尼的熔炉维修.
  • 奇怪的声音: A 加热器的最后一条腿 会发出奇怪的声音吗. 这可能是一条磨损的皮带发出的呜呜声, 润滑不良的螺母发出的吱吱声, 或者不稳定的底盘发出的吱吱声. Though these sounds may indicate little, they can also be a sign of something that needs attention. Since it’s better to be safe than sorry, we advise you to reach out to us at 614.349.3332 第一次发现问题的时候.
  • 增加的能源成本: One of the easiest to notice signs of a heater in need of repair are skyrocketing utility costs. If 你的 gas or power bill increases without an obvious explanation, 这可能是由于加热效率的损失. Fortunately, repairing 你的 heater is often enough to return energy use to normal levels. 然而,在某些情况下,我们可能会建议 全部供暖系统更换.
  • 经常骑自行车: 你的暖气很少关吗? Have you noticed it popping on and off on a fairly regular basis? If either of these are the case, 你的 heater might be in need of repair. 但这并不需要紧急情况, long-term short cycling can drastically shorten 你的 heater’s lifespan. To 修复都柏林的短途骑行 或者New Albany, give 我们的暖通十大网络彩票平台大全技师 一个电话.

If you notice any of the above problems, it's time to call 一家当地的供热公司. 我们的 新奥尔巴尼加热器维修专家 是来让你重新舒适起来的吗.


A proper understanding of what heater parts are likely to fail can better equip you to deal with 暖通十大网络彩票平台大全紧急情况. 它也使你更容易沟通你的 加热的问题 以一种清晰、全面的方式. 我们的 12年 有在新奥尔巴尼修理供暖系统的经验 教会了我们这个问题常常是:

  • 坏恒温器: Your thermostat tells 你的 heater when to turn on and off. If 它不能正常工作,你将很难保持温暖. To see if this issue is at the root of 你的 problems, try swapping out the thermostat’s batteries. Also make sure that it’s on and set to HEAT and that the run method selected is AUTO.
  • 点火失败: 先导灯可能熄灭或拒绝点亮. When this happens, 你的 heater loses the ability to warm the air, leaving you chilled. 引航灯问题的主要原因是 污垢积聚 在燃烧器周围穿. 如果你不能让爱重燃,那就去找 我们的新奥尔巴尼暖通十大网络彩票平台大全公司 at 614.349.3332.
  • 排气鼓风机: The heater’s exhaust blower takes 你的 unit’s combustible output and vents it outside. When this system fails, 你的 unit will cycle on and off before shutting down. 常规的 加热器私彩信誉平台十大网站 can keep the exhaust blower running as intended, preventing unintended shutdowns.
  • 风机电机故障: 你的加热器的鼓风机电机是什么 推动空气通过你的管道和你的通风口. When it fails, even the most efficient unit won’t be able to heat or cool 你的 home. Typical causes of failure include clogging and overheating. Having 你的 ducts cleaned regularly can take the strain off the blower motor and allows it to run effectively.
  • 换热器不良: Your heat exchanger is one of the most vital components of 你的 heating system. It’s responsible for keeping combustion gasses separate from the warmed air circulated throughout 你的 home. When this part of 你的 heater fails, carbon monoxide can enter 你的 air supply. 更换热交换器可能成本过高. 我们经常建议 更换加热器 而不是, especially if the cause of failure is short-cycling because you have too large of a heater installed for 你的 square footage.

幸运的是,不管问题有多大, 我们的新奥尔巴尼暖通十大网络彩票平台大全技术人员 以前可能见过吗. 我们的 well-equipped trucks allow us to fix most common heater issues on our first visit. This means less time spent layering jackets and a return to comfort in 你的 home.

信任派拉蒙供暖 & 空气与加热器在新奥尔巴尼维修

When you need 你的 heater repaired or replaced, trust the experts at 派拉蒙! As our long list of happy customers shows, many of 你的 neighbors already do! 凭借多年的经验 helping people in the New Albany maximize their comfort, 我们有完成这项工作所需的专门知识. 不管你需要什么, our company has well-defined services and procedures in place to ensure consistency and a proper diagnosis.

换句话说,当涉及到 在新奥尔巴尼进行加热器维修在美国,你可以一直信赖派拉蒙供暖公司 & 空气. 联络我们: 614.349.3332 to 时间表 你的 供暖服务.



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